Passionista Erika De La Cruz — Author and Founder of Passion to Paycheck

Photo Courtesy of Erika De La Cruz
The great thing about having our listeners nominate a Passionista on our website is that it’s helping us discover kindred spirits that we didn’t know were out there. Such was the case when Jock Purtle nominated his fiancé, Erika De La Cruz.
Not only is Erika a TV personality who covers red carpet events but she’s also an author, coach and inspirational speaker. Her best-selling book had a name that went straight to our hearts — Passionistas: Tips, Tales and Tweetables From Women Pursuing Their Dreams. We knew we’d found a new sisterhood soulmate. Needless to say, we reached out to her right away to set up the interview.

Beyond that, Erika lives her life on a mission to inspire other people to “turn their day jobs into dream jobs.” And she’s walking proof that it’s possible. Erika is the millennial’s That Girl — smart, strong, stylish and self-confident. As she told us in our interview, “I like to say that I’m my best self for a living.” And she’s used her love of people and social media to turn her own passions into a brand that she shares with her fans and followers on social media and in her annual conference Passion to Paycheck. Our one biggest take away from meeting Erika face-to-face is that it’s impossible not to be swept up in her infectious enthusiasm for life. She told us her goal is to leave the world in a better place in her wake. She certainly inspired us and we know she’ll do the same for you. To listen to our conversation with Erika De La Cruz go to The Passionistas Project Podcast. To learn more about her projects visit her website and follower her on Instagram @_ErikaDeLaCruz.